Kodak Books

Kodak Camera Catalog of Kodak and Brownie cameras

@1920,1975 By Alan R Feinberg 

The Kodak Museum UK

The Kodak Museum Brochure, Harrow England. 

Kodak Camera's: The First hundred years

@1988 Brian Coe, Kodak Camera's to 1987


Guide to Kodak Brownie Star camera's USA 1962

@1962, By kenneth S. Tydings. Including "20" and automatic 35mm Models

George Eastman's Cameras

@2009 By Grant Haist, USA


Kodak Professional Handbook

@1952 Eastman Kodak Company 

The story of Kodak

@1990 txt Douglas Collins


Colllectors guide to Kodak cameras

By Jim & Joan McKeown,@1981 

Brownie movie Guide

@1961 Brownie movie f2.7, model II f2.7, model II f1.9, Turret f1.9, Brownie 8 f2.7

Kodak maak goede foto's

@1953 the Netherlands, a handbook for the photograph

Kodak Brownie tips voor goede foto's

@Kodak the Netherlands Anna paulownastraat 76 DenHaag

Kodaks and Brownies

@October 1939, Eastman Kodak Company

Kodak Girl

@2011, from The Martha Cooper collection / edited by John P.jacob

De moderne "Kodak" en wat u er mee kunt doen

@?Kodak The netherlands

Route Kodak in Nederland West

Summer 1958, Kodak the Netherlands

Route Kodak in Nederland oost

1960 Kodak the Netherlands

Kodak Color Dataguide

@ 1974 fifth edition second printing 1975

How to make Good pictures

Eight Edition 1920 Eastman Kodak Company

Hoe men goede foto's maakt

Kodak Nederland. date? 1920. Translation from the American Book: How to make good pictures

Kodachrome and Ektachrome from all angles 

@1947 Third Edition by Fred Bond at Camera Craft Publishing Company

Ik en mijn kodak Instamatic

the Netherlands @? Ik en mijn Kodak Instamatic Film belevenissen van Rieke van Epen

The Vest Pocket kodak

The vest pocket Kodak & The First World War tells the story of the first compact camera and its significance in documenting the Great War. The first half of the book sets the technology and timeline of the camera against those of the war. The second half presents a commemorative album of images taken with the camera.

Kodak Catalogus nl 1932

Kodak professional Photographic 1934

@1934 Kodak Limited, Kingsway, London, W.C.2: Cataloque and price list of Kodak Professional Photographic apparatus and materials

Kodak Catalogus

the Netherlands @? 

the Netherlands @1932 Kodak pricelist especial for the dutch traders

the Kodak Home Movie Camera Guide

@1960 an illustrated, authoritative manual

the Kodak museum: the story of popular Photography

@1989 edited by Colin Ford UK

Brownie Club

Kodak Brownie Club Magazine The Netherlands: Nr 1 tm nr 5 from 1953 , nr 8 & 9 from 1954, nr 10 tm 13 from 1955, nr 28 from 1959 and nr 30 from 1960.

The Kodak Museum

@1947 first published Kodak limited Wealdstone, Harrow, Middlesex

Palmer Cox: The Brownies: their book

This Dover edition first published in 1964 is an unabridged and unaltered republication of the work published by the century company in 1887

The Premo Camera

@1971 Rochester Optical Co. 1898: the Premo Camera. In 1883 the Rochester Optical Company was founded by W. F. Carlton when he took over the assets of camera maker William H. Walker. It invented and produced the famous "Pony Premo" view camera line, and viewfinder cameras for "Premo film pack". In 1899 it became participant of an unsuccessful merger of camera companies. The resulting company made losses and was taken over by Kodak in 1903. Kodak let the factory continue the Premo camera line. 

Filmen mit Kodak 8

@1936 Wilhelm Knapp, printed in Germany in 1937

The Brownies Joke Book  by Palmer Cox

@1980 Great Britain by robert & Pamela kraus. small book: 9,5x7 cm


Kodak Guide to 35mm Photography

@1980 by Eastman Kodak company Rochester, New York






Kodak 1962 Price list the Netherlands

@1962 price list Kodak the Netherlands 10x15 cm , 60 pages


Publicites Kodak 1910-1939

@1983 Kodak Pathé France

George Eastman and the Kodak Camera

@2007 By Jennifer Fandel in Graphic novel format

My Kodak Brownie Collection Books 2002

A stig Publication by Clif Castree (research) & @Edward Vermeer (Artwork & Diagrams) and edited by David Hughes

Kodak Retina Books: 

Das Retina Buch 1959

@1959 Germany, 5the edition , Dr. Otto Croy

Kodak Retina Collectors Guide fascicle 3

Dr David L.Jentz @2021

Retina Handbook 1957

@ 1957 This hardback book titled "Retina Camera Handbook" by Edward S Bomback is a must-have for any photography enthusiast. Published in 1957, this first edition book is a fountain of knowledge for those looking to improve their photography skills. Filled with valuable information on how to use the Retina camera, this book is a rare find for collectors 

Kodak Kodakery and The Kodak Magazine

jan-1924, july 1927, aug 1928, jan 1929

September 1928

Kodakery, "A Magazine For Amateur Photographers", was published from September, 1913 through 1932, at the price of 5c per copy. All purchasers of a Kodak or Brownie camera received a 1-year free subscription.

The magazine was diminutive in size: 5ž"x7―", and typically 32 pages in length. For many, the magazine's unpretentious size was part of it's charm.

Kodakery was typically filled with how-to articles, a touch of photo-essay, always a centerfold photo feature, and -- of course -- advertisements for the latest Kodak products. To Kodak's credit, Kodakery seldom had more than 6 pages of advertising, and never had display advertising intermixed with article content.

Over the years, the magazine format remained constant.  However, the cover design changed a bit

When Kodakery ceased publication in 1932, all current subscribers were sent the book "The Way To Better Pictures".

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